KFT105-1 Generate Neighborhood Listings, Paul Tharp

Michael Sherack , May 29
“ Good video...i also like idea of getting out to meet neighbors, bring them info such as market report - start a conversation and be of some value to them ”

VR03 - Verani History

Yadi Pacheco , May 28
“ So inspiring! ”

KFT36 Cold Calls, Bold Calls

Michael Sherack , May 22
“ Helpful video...focus on neighbors is something I'll be working on as I recently changed offices to join a local office following 3+ years with an office about a half hour from home. ”

KFT73 Seller Motivation: Away or Toward?

Michael Sherack , May 22
“ Another helpful video in driving point that asking questions is what gets us needed information and chance to best serve the client ”