RL23-3 Koehler Bortnick Interview: The Listing Process

Char Upton , Apr 11
“ Share responsibility with client. That's great! ”

KFT50-1 How to Get Listings: Mindset

Lerie Yell , Apr 11
“ Really inspiring and good tips here. Stand out for me, blocking out time zones for specific goals ”

QT03 Mindset Affirmations - Bob Wolff

Lerie Yell , Apr 11
“ Lots of points here I already know about, but very good to re-visit. ”

KFT99 Fanatical Prospecting: The Difficulty of It with Jeb Blount

Char Upton , Apr 11
“ Jeb good but not as dynamic as David. I did like the reminder to get testimonials. I'm going to follow up on that immediately! ”